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I have taken lexapro for 7 days, can I take it past the expiration date of his in a minute.?
I took lexapro for 7 days. I really do not want to be dependent on medication. I would like to stop taking it and recently trying to handle depression and anxiety on their own, as I am over 33 years. It is a safe …
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Lexapro + much + vitamin + Omega 3 supplement amino pie?
Safe to take all three? I bought at the same time, the pharmacy, they said zero, which I did not ask. fish oil omega3 I know work on the brain, it will reduce the effect of lexapro, etc? No, but lexapro is not very strong anyway.
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Lexapro along a combination of Abilify?
Did anyone tried the combination of Lexapro and Abilify, because my wife has diagnosed as Bipolar Disorder, and the doctor wants it to be tried Abilify forward next to the lexapro. She is lexapro for depression for some time, but to control mania, the doctor wants her to Li tried again, but the doctor decided not to Abilify.
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Lexapro and Alcohol Help?
Well I was recently prescribed 5 mg of lexapro. I like to travel on weekends and have a drink. I just wonder, it’s OK to drink while on lexapro? and if anyone has any previous experience, please share im, very interested to hear the continuation for them. – Well, Lexapro – an anti-depressant, and alcohol …
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Lexapro and amoxicillin?
I took lexapro for two months and was still … Today, I fell ill with angina, and the doctor prescribed me an antibiotic, amoxicillin that is .. Do you think that the two will be desperate interaction? It’s OK to take them together? after taking lexapro, how many hours should I wait by the time i …
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Lexapro and gain cargo?
im, so afraid of gaining weight on lexapro., everything I read says that I am gathering weight. Is this true? I take the generic SR Wellbutrin (150 mg) in the morning, and Lexapro (10 mg) with dinner for depression and anxiety. I have to take it for more than two years, and it works very well for me. Wellbutrin SR seems to …
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